Parent & Teacher Interviews
Formal parent teacher interviews are conducted throughout the year as required to ensure that parents are kept informed about student progress and any interventions that may be required throughout the course of the year. Less formal meetings and exchange of information is also common between the teacher and parent.
The purpose of assessment is to make a positive contribution to student learning and progress. Teachers provide accurate information about each student and the progress made to parents at regular intervals throughout the year.
For information about assessment and our reporting schedule please click the link the Golden Bay Primary School Assessment and Reporting Policy.
Informal ongoing contact with class teachers is important at Golden Bay Primary School. In addition to formal reports at the end of the first and second semester, teachers at Golden Bay Primary School report informally in a variety of ways including:
- Information sessions about the teaching and learning program.
- Parent teacher discussions, that may include three way conferences with the child involved.
- Telephone discussions between teacher and parent.
- Annotations in diaries and journals.
- Letters, emails and other forms of correspondence from teachers to advise parents about successes or concerns.
When there is a need to discuss a student’s progress, staff will contact parents by note, email or phone to organize a mutually suitable time to meet.
Parent information meetings are held in each class at the beginning of each year. At this meeting teachers will set out their preferable method of communication, e.g. email, phone or meetings.